Mrs. Pryor's Class

Mrs. Pryor's Class

Friday, October 18, 2013

October 21-25, 2013


  • We will be continuing our Common Core Unit, The Amazing Animal World. Our focus is on reading to learn.
  • P.E. is Wednesday. Don't forget to wear tennis shoes!
  • Parent-teacher conferences are this week. October 22nd and 24th from 3:30-6:30. I look forward to seeing all of you!
  • Report cards will go home on Monday, October 21st.
  1. deck
  2. sock
  3. neck
  4. stick
  5. black
  6. trick
  7. up
  8. came
  9. good
  10. see
Dictation Sentence: I see a black sock.

Reading/Sight Words:
Sight Word Phrases
look at me
can you
a little one
you will see
what is that
my cat
 I will get
 yes, I do
when did he
like this
get them
so you will see
I could
we were
would not
*Please read once each night.

Monday- Lesson 3.10-Adding 3 #'s
Tuesday- Lesson 3.11- Adding 3 #'s
Wednesday-Lesson 3.12- Solving addition stories using pictures
Thursday- Review for Chapter 3 Test
Friday- Chapter 3 Test

*Please return math homework on Friday.

Monday, October 7, 2013


  • This week we will be continuing our Common Core Unit, The Amazing Animal World.  We will have a focus on reading to learn. We be also be studying spiders this week. 
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on October 22nd and 24th from 3:30-6:30.
  • Report cards go home on Monday, October 21st.
  • Our P.E. day is on Wednesday. Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes on that day.
  1. band
  2. blend
  3. mint
  4. print
  5. sunk
  6. hang
  7. I
  8. at
  9. be
  10. this
Dictation Sentence: The band is at the game.

Monday- Introduce Doubles Plus One Strategy
Tuesday- Lesson 3.4- Using doubles to create easier sums.
Wednesday- Lesson 3.5- Doubles plus one and Minus one.
Thursday- Lesson 3.6- Use strategies to solve addition facts.
Friday- Mid Chapter Quiz

*Please return math homework on Friday.


Sight Words: do, can, could, when, did, what, so, see, not, were