Mrs. Pryor's Class

Mrs. Pryor's Class

Monday, October 7, 2013


  • This week we will be continuing our Common Core Unit, The Amazing Animal World.  We will have a focus on reading to learn. We be also be studying spiders this week. 
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on October 22nd and 24th from 3:30-6:30.
  • Report cards go home on Monday, October 21st.
  • Our P.E. day is on Wednesday. Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes on that day.
  1. band
  2. blend
  3. mint
  4. print
  5. sunk
  6. hang
  7. I
  8. at
  9. be
  10. this
Dictation Sentence: The band is at the game.

Monday- Introduce Doubles Plus One Strategy
Tuesday- Lesson 3.4- Using doubles to create easier sums.
Wednesday- Lesson 3.5- Doubles plus one and Minus one.
Thursday- Lesson 3.6- Use strategies to solve addition facts.
Friday- Mid Chapter Quiz

*Please return math homework on Friday.


Sight Words: do, can, could, when, did, what, so, see, not, were

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